Jessica Eckermann Photography

A little about my work...
I have had a fascination for vintage eras for many years and now as a conceptual photographer I specialise in photographing in this manner. I aim to emulate the style of the 1920s, 30s, 40s and 50s through a variety of subjects and themes. Through my photographs I invite the viewer into the world of a bygone era which for me, stands as a paragon of a classic and timeless beauty.
In my photographs I aim to present the viewer with something familiar and nostalgic, which is captured through the emulation of these classic periods leaving them with the sense of a forgotten memory.
I find my inspiration through a number of sources, such as locations, costumes, antiques and old movies. While trying to stay true to the style of these eras I have taken licence to romanticize them, portraying scenes as I would like to see them rather than how they actually might have been.
"I invite the viewer into the world of a bygone era..."